Property building in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Best Western

Best Western - Saluki Inn


Best Western - Saluki Innへようこそ。こちらはイリノイ州の活気ある都市、カーボンデールに位置する魅力的な3つ星ホテルです。市内中心部からわずか1.8マイルの距離にあり、カーボンデールの魅力を存分に楽しむことができます。265のお客様からの輝かしいレビューがあり、Saluki Innでの滞在は間違いなく素晴らしいものになるでしょう。$81から始まる料金で、Best Western - Saluki Innでは滞在をより良いものにするためのさまざまな素晴らしい設備を提供しています。毎朝の美味しい無料の朝食を楽しんで、冒険にエネルギーをチャージしましょう。仕事を進めたり、大切な人とつながりを保つのに最適な無料Wi-Fiやビジネスセンターを利用してください。夜にはホテルのバーでリラックスしたり、魅力的なテラスを散策したりしてリラックスしてください。ホテルには無料の駐車場もあり、ペット同伴も可能ですので、すべてのゲストが快適で便利な体験をすることができます。Best Western - Saluki Innはカーボンデールでの滞在に最適な選択肢です。素晴らしい立地、優れた設備、そして絶賛のレビューが揃っており、滞在中はまるで自宅にいるような感覚を味わえるでしょう。今日お部屋を予約して、カーボンデールのおもてなしの最高を体験しましょう。

Bedroom, Bed in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Best Western - Saluki Inn



3 クイーンサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

ルーム - クイーンベッド3台, ソファーベッド



1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

スイートルーム, ソファーベッド


King Suite in Best Western - Saluki Inn


1 キングサイズベッド


355 平方フィート







Best Western - Saluki Innは優れたアメニティと素晴らしいロケーションを提供するだけでなく、ペットも歓迎します。そうです、このペットフレンドリーホテルではペットを受け入れています!だから、愛する仲間を置いて行くことを心配しないでください。ただし、愛犬を連れて冒険に出かける際には料金がかかる可能性があることを覚えておいてください。支払いオプションに関しては、Best Western - Saluki Innは便利でストレスフリーな体験を保証するためにさまざまな方法を受け入れます。Visa、JCB、Diners Club、Mastercard、American Express、Discover、またはCarte Blancheのいずれかをご希望の場合、ご安心ください。お好みの支払い方法が受け入れられていることを知っていただけます。さて、Best Western - Saluki Innで利用可能な素晴らしい部屋のオプションについて話しましょう。広々としたスイートから居心地の良いダブルルームまで、どんな旅行者にもぴったりの宿泊施設があります。一人で訪れるか、パートナーや友人と一緒に訪れるか、家族全員で訪れるかにかかわらず、ホテルが対応しています。キングサイズベッドやクイーンサイズベッドのある部屋から選び、一部の部屋は大人4人と子供3人まで収容できます。さらに、最大6人の大人と4人の子供を収容できる特別なデラックスクイーンルームもあります。どの部屋タイプを選んでも、Carbondaleの中心部で快適で楽しい滞在をお楽しみいただけます。

Lobby or reception in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Pool view in Best Western - Saluki Inn










Fitness centre/facilities in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Bathroom in Best Western - Saluki Inn


屋内の, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 温水

Photo of the whole room, Bed in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Photo of the whole room in Best Western - Saluki Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Best Western - Saluki Inn
The location of the Saluki Inn is on a main thoroughfare coming into town. It's easy to find, but its location does put it some distance from SIU. It is an older -- and, I believe -- family run Best Western. The building has seen better days, but the staff keeps the rooms clear and comfortable, and they do impressive things (the pool) with limited space. Best hotel experience in Carbondale.


It was clean, welcoming and a good breakfast. The location was perfect for us. The bed and pillows were great. It could stand some remodeling but the cleanliness made that unimportant. The wifi was good and our room was very quiet so we were able to sleep well.


For the past 4 years we’ve stayed at this location due to my Granddaughter attending SIU. This location is close to the university and at a price we were comfortable with paying.


Fantastic! It was nice having something other than a continental breakfast or breakfast in a box. The omlettes, waffles, biscuits with gravy, and bacon were a big hit!


The rooms and staff were very nice and clean. The Breakfast was delicious, and the pool was area was clean. We really like the location of the Hotel too!!


The location of the Saluki Inn is on a main thoroughfare coming into town. It's easy to find, but its location does put it some distance from SIU. It is an older -- and, I believe -- family run Best Western. The building has seen better days, but the staff keeps the rooms clear and comfortable, and they do impressive things (the pool) with limited space. Best hotel experience in Carbondale.


It was clean, welcoming and a good breakfast. The location was perfect for us. The bed and pillows were great. It could stand some remodeling but the cleanliness made that unimportant. The wifi was good and our room was very quiet so we were able to sleep well.


For the past 4 years we’ve stayed at this location due to my Granddaughter attending SIU. This location is close to the university and at a price we were comfortable with paying.


Fantastic! It was nice having something other than a continental breakfast or breakfast in a box. The omlettes, waffles, biscuits with gravy, and bacon were a big hit!


The rooms and staff were very nice and clean. The Breakfast was delicious, and the pool was area was clean. We really like the location of the Hotel too!!


The location of the Saluki Inn is on a main thoroughfare coming into town. It's easy to find, but its location does put it some distance from SIU. It is an older -- and, I believe -- family run Best Western. The building has seen better days, but the staff keeps the rooms clear and comfortable, and they do impressive things (the pool) with limited space. Best hotel experience in Carbondale.


It was clean, welcoming and a good breakfast. The location was perfect for us. The bed and pillows were great. It could stand some remodeling but the cleanliness made that unimportant. The wifi was good and our room was very quiet so we were able to sleep well.


For the past 4 years we’ve stayed at this location due to my Granddaughter attending SIU. This location is close to the university and at a price we were comfortable with paying.


Fantastic! It was nice having something other than a continental breakfast or breakfast in a box. The omlettes, waffles, biscuits with gravy, and bacon were a big hit!


The rooms and staff were very nice and clean. The Breakfast was delicious, and the pool was area was clean. We really like the location of the Hotel too!!



801 North Giant City Road, Carbondale, 62902, イリノイ州, アメリカ

Best Western - Saluki Inn